Chronicle from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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8 Mutation of Stuart th explorer on horseback It was carved in wood by Nr Reinhardt of this city and certainly does credit to hia workman hip The height of the statue is 6 feet 6 inches the length of the hone 9 feet and height 5 feet The statue cost £100 On Thursday evening July 11 Com pany Hindmarsh Volunteers to the number of about 70 in charge of Captain Magarey and accompanied by Major Trapmann proceeded by train to the Semaphore for practice On arrival the men after having been supplied with refreshment were furnished with blank cartridges' and told off into sections among the sandhills The sections were supposed to repre sent attacking and defending forces and the manoeuvres were carried oat in a manner which gave evidence of the efficiency At the conclusion of the exercises the captain ex pressed his satisfaction Alter the Board meeting held at the Hall on Tuesday July 16 the senior Director PGM John Clark on behalf of the Society presented PGM Burgess with a handsome tea and coffee service which bore the following inscription: MU Pre sented to PG Burgess JPn by the GAG Nay 21 1878 for sei vices Mr Burgess in reply stated that he bad been member of the Society about fl years and for 20 years he had held office in the same that after having passed through the highest office in the Society that of Grand he did not intend to retire but hoped to work for the Society in future as in the past A correspondent at Jlillicent sends the following to the South taster a enclosed has been kindly handed to me by the finder Mr Cameron jup who picked it up in a bottle covered with shells on the beach not far west from the wreck of the Geltwood As the paper has no date I cannot of course tell when it was thrown overboard Thp bottle must have been some time in the water from the accumu lation of shellfish upon The the Star is a water stained slip of blue laid writing paper on which is written in pencil the Cooroog bound to Cane Town Thrown overboard in a strong gale from west Let 2W long 11' Donald A new skating rink constructed to the order of Dr Bain was opened at Clare on ri day evening July 12 by Nr Hosier JP In the presence of a large number of ladies and gentlemen Several gentlemen connected with the Adelaide Bink Club including Mr Bastard were present and gave some splendid displays of skating They were liberally entertained by Dr Bain whose enterprise in providing a rink for the amusem*nt of the dare people was greatly commended The skates were donned by a large number of ladies and gentlemen present and much amusem*nt was caused by the awkard movements of those unused to them The proceedings passed off with success On Monday July 15 a trial was made at the Exchange Hotel of Mr Patent Washing Maclune to which he has added an improvement in the shape of four thin brushes which are fixed inside the barrel at eoual distances so that as the barrel revolves the clothes are rubbed against the brushes which cross from side to side of the machine The barrel being nearly half filled with boilingoapsuds a quantity of clothes was put in and the handle turned for three minutes The clothes were then taken out and passed between the rollers of a wringer fixed at the top of the maclune and were found to be thoroughly cleansed Mr Wald undertook to wash 20 dozen of clothes in two hours and at the rate he was turning out the things he seemed in 8 fair way of accomplishing the feat within the specified time The Barunga railway was inspected by the Engiue in Chief ou Tuesday July 9 who disapproved of the manner the sleepers were being prepared before being laid down on the line says the Wallaroo Tines to be regretted as it will necessitate the stoppage ct the platelaying for about a month until a machine to do the work can be got round from Melbourne This is the second time within a fortnight that the men have beat knocked off work It would almost appear as if it were impossible to cany out any Government contract on the Peninsula without some such drawdrack but the Govern ment in this instance however is not to blame as the working plan distinctly shows how the sleepers were to be On Wednesday evening says the Areas Express of July 13 few of the con gregation of St Albans mat at the church for the purpose of presenting to Miss erry a small token of their appreciation of her services as organist of the church since its commencement in Gladstone Mr Tilley on behalf of the subscribers begged Miss acceptance of a purse containing a cheque for ten guineas and in a few appropriate remarks testified to the painstaking seal manifested by that lady in connection with the musical part of the service Mr Ingram having briefly supported what had been said Mias erry expressed the pleasure she felt in receiving the gift and stated her willingness to do in the future as in the past all she could for the benefit of the On Tuesday afternoon July 16 a number of gentlemenmet at the Southern Cross by invi tation of Mr Back to drink success to the Commercial Bank of South Australia The toast was briefly proposed by Mr Back the broker to the new Bank and was heartily re sponded to The health of Mr George Wilcox who had greatly assisted in starting the Com pany was next drunk Mr Back who proposed it remarking that the sight of the splendid new building erected by the Bank of South Aus tralia led them to think how desirable it was to keep the profits of such a business in the colony as far as could be done Mr Wilcox thanked the company for the compliment paid him and hoped the Bank would be both prosperous and successful The health of Mr Baek having been drunk the gathering dispersed An exhibition of Oriental goods princi pally carved woodwork was opened in the Exchange Boom of the Town Hall on Monday July lb by two members of a firm trading as Nacbley Kaurt The goods which are offered for sale consist of articles made from olive wood from the Mount of Olives oak from Mount Hebron balsam from the banks of the Jordan and almond from Bethany carved into jewel cases cigar boxes card trays paper weights book racks picture frames and nick nacks for the mantelpiece and toilet table These areaid to be made in Jerusalem by the brothers of the exhibitors and a number of necklaces and motber of pearl ornaments for personal adorn ment are exhibited as coming from the same place Nachley Kaurt states that they have been exhibitors at tlte Philadelphia and Vienna Exhibitions and have visited the adjoining colonies with their wares A new source of danger threatens the boatowners of Echuca in the shape of South Australian boats trading from Goolwa up the Murrumbidgee ora long time states the Riteriae Herald it has been a source of great anxiety to the Echuca traders that the South Australian shippers were gradually cut ting them out of the Darling trade but it was not thought likely that they would ever endea vor to wrest the Murrumbidgee supply from Victoria Nevertheless such js the unpleasant truth No doubt acting under the impetus given to them over Victorian matters by the imposition of the redgum tax one firm of South Australian shippers is already sending two boats to the Murrumbidgee the Blaneh to Hay and the South Australian to Wagga Wagga This cloud in the distance will it is to be hoped quicken the Ministry in the matter of repealing the redgum Mr McColl the Secretory of the Grand North West Victorian Canal Scheme gave a lone address at Mount Gambier on Tuesday evening July 9 to a company who assembled Stoiritetion of Mr Ehret auction SeToom The Border that he THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CHRONICLE AND WEEKLY MAIL JULY 20 1878 gave a full history of the mosem*nt from its initiation about eight years ago up to the pre sent time described the country to be tra versed by the canal the plan ou which it was to be constructed supplied estimates of cost and probable profits He was listened to with much attention throughout and had a hearty vote of thanks accorded to him at the close Nr McColl left on Wednesday in company with Nr Davidson OJS for Melbourne Mr David son has been over proposed route of the canal with the view of making a final report as to its practicability and the speedy commence ment or postjionemeut of the work will we believe depend upon this On Monday July 15 the following tenders for public works were received Eogineer in ObiePs or crossings gates on the Narraeoorte and Kingston Railway between Kingston end Reedy Creek aud be tween Stuart's Hauge and Narraeoorte one tender or station gates at the Burra aud Port Wakefield three tenders that of isher was the lowest Hydraulic Engineer's Office pr the reservoir at Woolundunga iu connection with the Pot Augusta Waterworks two tenders that of James Gordon was the lowest Architect in Chiefa or fencing the Post Office at one tender Coombe Naismyth or fencing the Post Office at Georgetown: one tender Virgo or fencing the Court House at Two Wells two tenders that of Cbappel was the lowest or the Court House at Clare two tenders that of James Work was the lowest or repairing the Court House at Wallaroo one tender Heath or repairing the Court House lAura one tender itzpatrick On Saturday July 13 A Company of Infantry resumed firing practice at the Dry Creek Butts The men numbering about SO were conveyed by special train at 12 o'clocknd returned by the ordinary evening train from the North The company was divided into five squads four of which fired five rounds per man at 250 and 300 yards respectively and the fith squad composed of new members fired the same number of rounds at 150 and 200 yards The practice was conducted under the superintendence of Major Trapmann and 'G Companies (numbering over 300) paraded at North terrace at 3 pm and the four first named companies vae marched to Montefiore Hill under command of Lieut Col itzroy On their arrival at the ground and Companies were exercised in skirmishing drill by their respective captains and the re maining companies (D and under their own officers were put through company drill Afterwards Lieut Col itzroy took charge of the whole and battalion movements were car ried out in a very creditable manner The return march was via Hindley and King Wil liam streets Company (Hindmarsh) de voted the afternoon to aiming and position drill The Artillery mustered iu good force and the respective batteries were drilled in gun and company drill A gentleman residing at Penola in writing to the South Easter Star respecting the forlorn state of the aboriginal natives at that place says No doubt the few remaining un fortunate creatures ought to be cared for Each black should be supplied with a good warm pair of blankets every year at the approach of winter That I know is not done neither can they get them on asking for them They have also very great trouble in getting supplied with rations when they are sick and unfit to provide for themselves This has come under my own is hardly says the Star to the Government that these poor people who have been despoiled of their unting grounds should be left to shiver in the cold and die of starvation while the white population is reaping wealth from those very lands We have caused enquiry to be made as to who is the pro tector of the aboriginals at Penola aud we are iuformed that it is the duty of the police to see that Xby are properly cared for If as appears to be the ease this duty has hitherto been neg lected we trust that the fact of our calling attention to the matter will be suffieient to remedy the existing state of things It would however be better if the Government would appoint some well known resident of Penola as the protector of aboriginals andpublish the fact so that the natives would know whom to apply to in case of Thecorrespondent of the Kapunda Harald at the North West Bend writing on July 13ays It is known that some very fine fossils have been found in the large cuttings here for instance what are supposed to be teeth are constantly being found in the solid rock with the enamel on aud the edges elevated aa perfect as those taken from the living fish Crayfish are also found in abundance But during this week the finest fossil yet found was discovered This is a specimen of a fiali ap parently a schnapper The length is about 16 inches depth about five inches and shows the front half of the fish This specimen is not a mere impression but the scales are so perfect that the point of a pen knife can be inserted behind them and the scale actually removed The main bones in the fins are also quite perfect imbedded in the solid rock Thia fine specimen has been handed over to Mr Dunk of Mannum It was discovered in the quarry after a blast bad been exploded The quarry is about 60 feet above the present level of the river All the rocks of this district are of aqueous forma tion there are do volcanic plutonic or meta morphic rocks so far as I am The Glenelg School Board of Advice met at the Corporation Offices Glenelg on Monday evening July 15 when there were present Messrs Giles (Chairman) Storrie Reid 8 Douglas Gwynne and Allen jun The Hon Secretary Mr Allen reported that some members of the Board had by invitation met the Hon the Minister of Education fend had inspected the school property and that a rough census of the district taken at the direction of the Minister showed that there were about 430 children between the ages of five and 13 years of age in Glenelg and Somerton It was unanimously resolved that the present school at Glenelg was quite unsuitable to the present requirements of toe town and that the time had arrived when a Model School should be built in a more favor able site to accommodate at least 400 children A notice from the Board of Health complahiiug of a stagnant pool of water in the playground was received and the Hon Secretory was requested to have the hole filled up and also get a division fence put up in the playground A correspondent writing from Matta warrungala on July 15 says On riday week last July 5 I was sitting with a friend in a room at Barratta Head Station quietly talking when we both heard a loud rumbling noise as though a heavily laden trap was being rapidly driven up to the station I remarked a buggy We then walked down to the hut under the full impression that visitor had arrived There we found that the mysterious sound had brought out all the men from the kitchen to learn its cause which I at once attributed to an earthquake Sub sequent enquiries in the district have quite established thst idea The sound apparently travelled northwards from the south com mencing with a low rumble aud ending with a loud abrupt noise just a though a trap had been suddenly stopped It was heard dis tinctly at Minburra and at station near Mount Victor also at Mattawarrangala At toe latter place it was taken to be the arrival of a vehicle of sone kind or other Rain is much wanted up here and at Carnamona Station up to within the last week no rain lias fallen siuce March rosts have been very severe and have completely stopped the growth of herbage Ac During toe past week light rains have fallen principally in the night Our Strathaibyn correspondent sends us the following Id consequence of the beautiful hall of the Strathaibyn Institute having been found on more than one oocaskm to be insuf ficient to accommodate the great number who flocked to witness the entertainments given by the talented amateurs who have contributed so largely to defray the cost of the building it was resolved to make some additions to it The necessity of such additions was foreseen when the Institute was erected and a large arch was built and temporarily filled up with masonry at one end of the hall to lie eventually converted into a proscenium The addition comprise a stage and deeming rooms suitable for concerts and other entertain meets a kitchen furnished witha large tank and fiieplace and a commodious and well lighted cellar which will be found very useful for many purposes The curtain hitherto used for the platform being unsuitable for the new pro scenium the Committee took the opportunity of securing some appropriate scenery which they were unexpectedly offered at a very low figure and which will much enhance the attractiveness of future entertainments The proscenium portion of the additions being in a sufficiently forward state it was resolved to re ojhju the Hall which was accordingly done on Tuesday evening July 16 A very attractive pro gramme was prepared and immediately the doors were open the audience began to pour iu until every portion of the auditorium was completely filled An ap propriate prologue written by Mr Waddy was very well delivered by Dr Blue after which the curtain rose to Offenbach's comic operetta Barber of A musical interlude followed the whole concluding with the sparkling comedietta Little The piece had evidently been care fully rehearsed and the dramatis persona note well up in their several part indeed as an old theatrical critic I may say that they were in no need of toe indulgence usually accorded to amateurs Load and repeated plaudits showed the admiration of the audience and altogether the entertainment was a gratifying success The orchestra comprised Mrs Blue at the piano Mr Bonnar violin and Mr Elliott li The Postmaster says the Snih festen Star has just brought into operation a system of mails between Robe Rivoli Bay Millicent aud Mount Gambier which must evoke expressed dissatisfaction as long as it is continued The resident at Mil licent were desirous to have a daily mail to and from Adelaide and made representation on the subject to the postal authorities Their request has been seceded to and from yesterday they may be congratulated upon the consummation of their wishes in one respect But the change has been at toe expense of the mail communi cation between Mount Gambier Millicent and the two port and on this ground the alteration must be protested against To give Millicent a daily mail with Adelaide it could net be necessary to prevent Mount Gambier people from communicating with MilJi cent between Mondays and Thursdays Here tofore the mail to Millicent and Rivoli Bay were sent from Mount Gambier on Mondays "Wednesdays and ridays at 8 end the return letters were received here on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evenings at 8 This arrangement suited busmesa people here and at Millicent admirablyfor they qpuld write one day and get a reply the next The altera tion will dissatisfy everybody besides com pelling the contractor to run hi coach on Sundays a step for which there was no nceemity The fact is that Tuesday has been quietly dropped out of the calendar for the week and Sunday taken in as a working day in its place for what reason only the Postmaster General and those iu the secret know We do not consider it our duty to advocate what are known as Sabbatarian prin ciples but we decidedly protest against the Sunday being used as a working day instead of one of the other day of the week 'and surely do one could expect the Government to set so bed an example as they have done in this matter We do not care nor do we suppose most people care which business days the mail is to be run to Rivoli Bay ami Robe upon so long a the coach goes down one day and up the next Irrespective of the inconvenience which will be caused to business men by delay in their corre spendence the alteration is to be condemned for toe injury it will inflict upon the travelling public and surely some Jconsideratiou might jbe shown We have been favored by the Commis sicuer of Crown Lands with the perusal of official correspondence relative to the means lately taken to make public in the old country the fact that order warrants of the value of £20 are granted by toe Agent General for South Australia to all persons in sound health not having previously resided in Aus tralasia who pay their own passage and proceed direct to Adelaide South Australia and reside in the colony for two Persons wishing to obtain these warrants are directed to apply for forms of application and other information to the Agent General of South Austialia at 8 Victoria Chamber Westminster SW Str Arthur Blyth has employed Means Street and Co of the British aud Colonial General Agency Offices to advertise this matter and has received a report from that firm as to the mea sure they have taken They have sent a con spicuous looking advertisem*nt to 57 papers with instruction to place it in a prominent position where it will catch the eye of the general reader In glancing over the names of these journals it appears that only one is published in Scotland and the rest in England and Wales The cost of tbi advertisem*nt will be £200 Then there are large posters which Messrs Street It Co gave instructions should be exhibited for three months in all the leading towns and many vil lages in Itogland and Wales The Agent General however wrote to the Colonial Office asking that the permission granted to agents for Canada to stick up such notices in the post offices of the kingdom might be extended to South Australia and this request was promptly and cordially complied with by the Postmaster General There are 1(5000 post offices in the United Kingdom and in all of these the placard announcing that land order warrants are granted to all healthy emigrants paying their own passage to this colony will be or before now have been displayed A smaller poster is sent to the Jerusalem Coffee House Room and offices of brokers and agents connected with South Australia io London Liverpool and Hamburg In addition to these larger plarard there is a small hand bill for distribution by our travelling emigra tion agents in toe villages and towns thy visit and by any local or other agencies Sir Arthur Blyth may have under his control This is ad vertising on a broad and comprehensive scale and it may fairly be hoped that good results will arise from it The Agent Geimral reports that already there is a perceptible increase in the number of applications for land order war rants ACCIDENTS OENCES An old man named James Lawler who is 72 year of age and grandfather of several children was committed fortrial at Angaston on riday July 12 for attempting to ravish a little girl named Elisabeth Thnng who is under 10 years of 8ge Robert Graham of Kensinjrton employed by the South Australian Carrying Company as driver was admitted to the Port Casualty Hospital on Wednesday afternoon July 17 suffering from injuries caused by the wheel of a trolly passing over his ankle A fire broke out on Sunday afternoon July 14 in Bent street at the residence of Mr Bynn A person passing saw the door iu flames and after procuring toe assistance of Constable Williams succeeded in extinguishing them Very little damage was done except that the floor was burnt away for about two feet and the door slightly damaged "One day last says the Gander Standard of July IS littie girl about four years of age daughter of Mr Charles worihof Lyndoch road bad a narrow escape of being burned to death It appears that she ws in a room with some other children when by some means other which have not been clearly ascertained her dress caught fire Her screams soon brought her mother and father to the spot and the flame were extinguished It was found that she was somewhat severely burned from the right hip to the The Border MafcA states that un fortunate mishap occurred alongside the Sarah Scott at Rivoli Bay on Monday July 8 While oue of the locomotives about 12 tons weight waa being lowered from the ship into a raft the tackling gave way and the engine went through she raft and found a berth in about three fathoms of water The faulty tackling was sup plied by the Government and was warranted up to 20 tons The raft which was a new one specially built to land the heavy goods from the Sarah Scott is greatiy damaged ortunately no one was injured by the The Kapunda Herald of July 12 mentions that the premises occupied by Mr Nairn of tiiat town had a narrow escape of being burned on Tuesday evening through the explosion of a kerosmd lamp The lamp was on the counter where Mr Nairn had just placed it a few minutes before it exploded The ignited kerosine spread over the counter and on to the floor and it was with great difficulty the flames were ex tinguished which was done by Mrs Naira promptly throwing a blanket thereby smother ing the fire There were two or three customers in the shop at the time and it was a fortunate thing that none of them were injured by the fragments of broken glass Mr Peter Jewell of the well known firm of Jewell A Nicholls met with an accident on June 27 by which bis arm waa broken and he received severe bruises which have laid him up ever since He and Mr Nicholls had pur chased a horse at Kensington and after trying it in a spring cart Mr Nichmls got out of the cart to write a cheque for the horse leaving Mr Jewell in the trap when the man from whom the bone waa bought thoughtlessly began to remove the bridle and before Mr Jewell could get out the animal bolted and threw him vio lently to the ground Nr brother William was killed at Wyndham Creek New Zealand in the early part of last month owing to a tunnel caving in where he was at work On Saturday forenoon July 13 a pair of runaways attached to one of Messrs Hill and light passenger conveyances caused some excitement in Clare The says the Nartlum Argtto from Messrs Richards A yards and went through the Old North road cutting On reaching Main street they turned round and galloped at a raptd rate towards toe South bridge There were several spring carte and other light vehicles in toe street at toe time and in order to avoid a collision some of the carts were driven on to the footpaths The bridge was crossed safely and the animals kept along the main road Mr Gleeson who ws ou horseback galloped after them and at considerable risk and with peat dexterity caught tne reins aadeveniually pulled the horses up lattle or no damage was After the hearing of the ease of Begnierv Heise on Thursday July 11 in the Kaponda Local Court rather a lively scene took place between toe presiding Magistrate (Nr Varley) and Mr Emerson the solicitor for the plaintiff TLe Kaptmda Herald states that His Worship having announced that the verdict would be far the defendant the solicitor for the plaintiff turned round to his learned friend on toe other side and made some remark as to the absurdity of the verdict which of course were not intended tor other ears than those to which they were addressed but un fortunately they were spoken in rather too loud a tame and the heard them where upon he told Mr Emerson that if such com ment were indulged in sgaiu within the precincts of toe Court he should take prompt measures to put a stop to them A very angry altercation took place Between the two gentle men which ended ill His Worship informing Mr Emerson that if it occurred again he should fine him a result which Mr Emerson raid he should rejoice in as it would give him an oppor tunity of bringing the whole matter before a higher Court and thereby enable him to show how he had been treated in that With reference to the recent dreadful murder at Norolinaour Blinman correspondent seuds us the the murder Burke rode to the Hookina Hotel where after the murder was reported he was strapped down ou a sofa till Trooper Daer arrested him Since his arrest in speaking of the murder he asserts thst Nr Mansell had all his entrails and a machine for torturing him and that he laid himself on a bed aud asked Mr Mansell to finish him but he says instead of that Mr Mansell sent in toe housekeeper to ask him to go to the fire where he (Mr Mansell) intended to roast him first and at last kill him He say the torture was worse than any in hell and he could not stand it any longer On his way to winmn he asked to be let go for a moment and although the trooper kept close to him he threw himself down a steep bank into a creek and tried to dash out hi brains on a stone The hank of the creek was 10 or II feet deep but his foot slipping he fell on his side and only bruised hi forehead He has since expressed great sur prise at being alive as be says he thought he would be dead before this and he cannot under stand why he seems to be getting better No me dical examination has been made of the state of hie mind since his anrest Mr Mansell aud he were acquainted for years and were never known to quarrel or to have any misunderstanding He is a splendid tradesman and was much sought after on all the stations either as a blacksmith or a carpenter He has the appear ance of a fine strong and well made mau ap proaching six feet in height and of fair eom Elexion He is an Irishman by birth He says wonders he did not kill Bradbury but just as be was going to do so his good genius told him one murder was MEETINGS A special meeting of the South Aus tralian Gas Company was held at the offices of toe Company on Monday afternoon There was a targa attendance of shareholders and the Directors were authorised to issue 9250 new shares The opening meeting of the South Aus tralian Evangelical Alliance was held in the Pirie street Lecture Hall ou Monday evening Interesting and appropriate addresses were de livered by the Revs 8 Knight Lyall McMichael and Hunter The half yearly meeting of the East End Market Company was held at the offices East terrace on Monday morning July 15 There was a small attendance ot share holder aud the Hou Playford MP Chair man of Directors) presided The Directors reported that the affairs of the Company were in a prosperous state During the half year toe rents of shops and houses had increased by £23 11m for quarterly stands £124 12s 3d and for casuals £10 3s 8d making an increase in receipts for the half year over the preceding one of £109 6 lid The net profits for the six months had been £l)78 5s Id out of which the Directors recommend that a divideud at the rate of 8 per cent per annum be paid A balance of £78 5s Id would then lie left to be carried forward as profit to the next half year The balance sheet showed that the market income had been £2 £33 10s 9d and working expenses and interest £990 2s 8d leaving a balance of net profit of £1078 5s Id Both statements were adopted A meeting was held at the Iklee Iklee Hotel Kingswood on Saturday July 13 re specting postal communication aud roads in the Hundred of Quorn The Chairman Mr Barratt said a letter had been received from Mr Todd stating that if they would mention the price that the extra eouteact for two mails a week via Wilmington could be carried out for be would give the matter hi consideration The Chairman said rime then a tender had been received for an extra mail which he thought should be left to a Committee rather than state the terms to the meeting It was resolved to leave the matter in the hands of Messrs Ellery Wade and Nicholson to report to Mr Todd Mr Walter then moved and Mr Ranshaw seconded That it is now time that the road to the new township of Quora should be placed on the schedule of main roads as it vs the direct road from WUiochra and Melrose and has a great deal of traffic and there are a numiier of very 'dangerous crossing which might be repaired for Messrs McHugh BL Mainton Elder Walters and Renshaw spoke in favor of the motion which was carried A Committee was appointed to draw np and present a memorial on the subject to the Road Board A meeting of the Committee appointed to select a quarry for supplying Port Adelaide with building stone was held at the Duke of Wellington Hotel Port Adelaide on Wednes day evening July 17 All the members were present and Councillor Cleave presided The Committee reported that they had received an offer of about 12 acres part of Section 3040 in the Hundred of Yatala from Nr erdinand Thiele for 10 years The property referred to was in a splendid site as it adjoined the Stockade Quarries it being only divided from them by a district road Tne offer would remain open one month It was decided that a deputation consisting of the Committee Messrs Bower and Quin and other should wait upon the Government and ask them to extend the rails from their quarries to the district road in question a distance of about 300 yards It was pointed out that Mr Ebeneser Ward waa moving in the House for a railway to Teatree Gully and if the extension the deputation asked for were made it could be utilised for the Teatree Gully line A vote of thanks was carried to Mr John Jones of Nails worth for the trouble he had taken in selecting toe property for the quarry also to Councillor John Rann for the trouble be had taken in initiating the movement The meeting then adjourned to await the result of the deputation to the Government It is proposed to form a Company to work this property moot of the shares for which are already taken up On Saturday a meeting of the Committee in connection with the Howard Clark Memorial und was held at the Office of the Secretary Mr Allen jun Ourrie street There were present beside that gentleman the Hon Clyde MP Mr Chas Todd CMG Rev Woods Messrs Townsend MP (Treasurer) Stow inlayson Robert Kay Conigrave and Harm In the absence of the Chairman (the Hem Morgan) Mr Townsend presided The members of the Committee present reported progress and it appeared that the subseription liste were coming in those that bad been received showing about £200 paid and promised Circulars had been sent to the country districts and especially to the different Institutes throughout the colony it being thought that the members and sup porters of these institutions which had benefited so much from the late Mr Clark's services could not fail to respond to an appeal for con tributions towards the cost of a fitting memo rial of one who had been so warm and useful an advocate of all movements on behalf of education in its widest sense in this colony The circulars and collection book state the character of the proposed memorial namely a life sized oil portrait of the deceased gentleman to be presented to the South Australian Insti tute and a Scholarship in connection with the University of Adelaide A meeting of the shareholders of the Port Pine Wharf Company was held at the offices of Messrs Reynell Beincke Torrens Chambers on riday July 11 The attendance of shareholder was limited Mr Bower BLP occupied the ehair and preferred to the present satisfactory financial condition of the Company The Directors? report was read as follows The liabilities to the 30th June 1878 have all been paid and the surplus balance of £62 IQs is payable to the shareholder Your Committee oonid that the wharf should be filled in and deepened in order to make the property complete for the fast growing trade of Port Pirie but in order to effect this an increase of capital would be required Satisfactory arrangement can be made with the tenant to surrender his lease snd an extraordinary meeting will bo called for the purpose of discussing the The financial statement showed that otter pay ing the sum mentioned in the report as divi dends a balance of 6s 2d would still be in hand The report and balance sheet were adopted on the motion of the Chairman seconded by Mr Wakefield Mr Bower whose term of office had expired was re elected to the position of Director and Mr Meucke was chosen to fill a similar position rendered vacant by tho absence of Mr Wigley from the colony The resignation of Mr Sparkes as an Auditor was reoeived with regret and Nr Colley was appointed to fill toe vacancy A largely attended meeting was held on Saturday evening July 13 at toe Iklee Iklee Hotel Kingswood to take into consideration toe advisableness of asking the Government to withhold from survey certain portions in the southern part of Valley as a timber reserve for the benefit of the farmers and in habitants in the Hundreds of Willoehra Bool cunda and surrounding districts for firewood and fencing purposes Mr Sarratt was appointed Chairman He stated that this was a matter which was canting the greatest anxiety to the farmers in toe district and unless they had a portion of the land withheld from survey the inhabitants would be put to great inconvenience to obtain firewood and fencing material It was proposed by Mr Kelly and seconded by Mr Niendorf That it isderirable to memorialise the Government to set apart some portion of the Crown lands as a timber re serve ror the benefit of the farmers in tiledistrict and that the Commmissioner of Crown Lands be asked to reserve from sale a portion of the land in the North East Hundred of Woolun Thu was carried It was then re solved the motion of Mr Walters seconded by Mr Renshaw That a Committee of three be appointed to prepare the memorial and obtain signatures for presentation to the Commissioner of Crown Lands by the members for the dis Mr Vinning proposed and Nr Elder seconded "That Messrs Kelly Walter and McHugh be appointed a Committee to draw up the memorial and obtain signature from the farmers in the Carried A meeting of the orest Hoard was held on Monday July 15 There were present Col Barber (in the chair) Dr Schomburgk the Hon inniss aud the Secretary Owing to the absence of Mr Goyder iu the North it was resolved that the financial re port should be held over for consideration till the Chairman's annual report waa presented Ordinary business was then proceeded with The report from the Secretary stated that the rents payable in advance had been received from the several lessees and paid into the Treasury The Commtssiooer of Crown Lands liad approved of the amount asked for by the Board for fenciug Mount Gambier Reserve and the work was being done aud redgum posts were beiug used The forfeited firewood at Bmnlsleer orest had been offered for sale by private contract Mr Smith of Jamestown offered £10 for the lot or 5s per cord and this was accepted being the only offer Nr Broivu of Ontario Canada wrote accepting the posi tion of Conservator of orests under the Board and stating that altout the end of June he would leave for Adelaide Mr Beale nursery man wrote recommending that the bamboos for seed should be eight inches in leugthbnt Dr Hchomburgk pointed out that they should not be longer than five inches or the trees would only form a tap root as there was no room in the bamboo for the expansion of side roots The Secretarv was instructed to reply to this effect As toe leases for travelling stock reserves would expire on the 19th inst it was reeolved to relet the reserve by public contribution Dr Sehom burgk referriug to the transplanting of forest trero deprecated the system and raid that two thirds of the forest of coutineutal Europe were planted by the trees beiug permitted to grow where toe seed was dropped and he recom mended that the nurserymen should be in structed to grow small quantities of different tree and leave them where the seed germi nated On the suggestion of Dr Schomburgk the Secretary waa instructed to write to Tang and Co Melbourne for a supply of black wattle seed for planting at once Dr Schomburgk pointed out that this tree grew very successfully in Victoria and its bark in that colony wk worth nearly £50000 per annum It wool! grow well here if sown in patches by itself He had name fine samples of the tree in the Bo tanical Gardens and could supply some seed A public temperance meeting in connec tion with the Independent Order of Bechabite at Norwood was held in the Baptist Lecture Hall Parade Norwood on Tuesday evening July 16 There was a good attendance and tiio District Chief Ruler presided A report read by the Secretary which shored that the affairs of the of Tent were in a very satisfactory and flourishing condition The juvenile Tent had also been a great success having started with 10 and now having reached 30 members Bro Stephens gave au address on the question of temperance during which he challenged Mr Mortlock MJ? to prove tout the orbes aekensie Act had tailed in the suppression of crime in Scotland That gentleman he said had not acted fairly inas much as he had not placed the whole facts of toe case before the House of AssemWy anl the public He (the speaker) maintained that the orbes Mackenzie Aet had been a great success and that it was not the fault of the taw that it had no been greater Crime had diminished since that Act bad been iu force aud yet they had members of Parliament trying to hoodwink their fellow members by saying that it waa a failure What the temperance people wanted was that Mr Act should have a fair trial To throw it aside without that would indeed be play He hoped the Government would Act as the Government of Victoria had done and appoint officers co mo that the law wa carried out in its integrity He had been told when in Melbourne that the Sunday Closing Act had proved a great blessing and boon to the community He eoaeluded by urging ail to remain stanch to their principle The Rev (Donnell in a somewhat Iragtby speech challenged any publican or brewer even if he were a member of Parliament to argue this question of temperance with him on any public plat form in the colony (Applause) Recharacterised the present Parliament as the Parlia ment He was satisfied that they had carried the day at the elections and they deserved their success in a certain sense ou account ot the great efforts they had pat forth to attain their end He bed predicted before theeleetions took place that this would be the state of affairs unless the teetotaller stirred themselves If they did not now create a publie agitation on the subject Mr measure would be laid aside He blamed the Chief Secretary for sus pending the Act for a period of three mouths as at the end of that time the agitation of the licensed victualler at the elections had come on and in many cases the Act was condemned without the necessary trial He referred to the argument used against the Bill as a perfect insult to the working men in thinking that they wished to pas their Sundays in a public house He was glad to bear that it was the publicans who were crying out so loudly as itbowed that the shoe was pinching in some form or other and that Sunday drink traffic waa being suppresaad Other addromes were delivered and the proceedings which were inter spersed with songs and recitations were brought to a close RELIGIOUS ITEMS A communion service in connection with the Evangelical Alliance of South Australia was celebrated in Chalmers Cbureh on Wednes day July 17 Notwithstanding the unpropi tioDS character of the weather there was a large attendance The Rev Lyall Chairman of toe Alliance presided Addresses bearing upon the ceremony were delivered by the Chairman and Mr Varley The Rev Patou BD letcher MA and Birk also took part in toe service Sermons in connection with the anni versary of the Bible Christian Sunday school Portland Estate were preached on Sunday July 14 when the RevT AIcNeilofficiated in the morning and evening and the Bev Baymoa I (Primitive Methodist) in toe afternoon Each service was well attended On Tuesday after noon the children had their usual treat after which a public tea which waa held was well patronued The public meeting which followed was presided over by Mr Rady Superin dent of the School Addresses were delivered by the Revs McNeil Hanco*ck and Kelly Imo children sang several selection very creditably during the evening It was reported that the school was in a good position both numencally and financially There had been a large increase in its numbers during the year The services were a success The Rev Professor Davidson preachep at the Presbyterian Church Port Adelaide both morning and evening on Sunday July 14 his sermons having special reference to the death of the Rev McLsran bte pastor of toe Church At each service there was a large and sympathetic congregation The church was draped in black In the morn ing Ptofearor Davidson commenced his sermou by referring to the telegram which arrived on Monday last announcing the death of Mr Mclmrmi in these words Died peacefully on 31st Mr Davidson then took as the Scriptural text of hi discourse the words Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace Psalms xxxvii 37 After a few general obswation on the text the rev gentleman took the character of Job into connderrtion and showed in what sense the man of Uz was what the Psalmirt called a perfect rom the beatitudes in sermon on the Mount Mr Davidson illustrated the same idea and he tbeu spoke in eloquent language of the character of the late Mr McLaren He referred to him ae an upright mao as a minister who gained for himself the respect and affection of all his people as an acute and learned theologian and as a warm and sympathetic friend Viewed in ail these aspects the preacher found in his character much to admire and more to lave Ha expressed his heartfelt sympathy with the con gregation in their bereavement but counselled them in their sorrow not to forget the great joy which would crown the righteous and earnest life of their beloved pastor whose eud was peace In the evening the Rev Mr David son preached from the words Thy presence is fulness 'and joy xvi 11 The Rev McKinnon Dick pastor of the Port Congregational Church also referred on Sunday morning to the death of Mr McLaren During hia sermon the rev gentleman said thia stage I feel constrained to pay a public tribute of respect and esteem to the memory of our late fnend and fellow laborer in the Gospel tho Bev Peter McLaren The news of his death which reached ns early last week was received by a large circle beyond his own family chureti and denomination with deep regret hen early in Nay I bade him good bye as he left our shore it did strike me that he was nndertakiug a liazardou voyage but I did nob imagine for a moment tnat he would so soon succumb to what to ie in his delicate state of health were in the sea I am sure I repeat the feelings of this church and congregation when I say that we join sincerely in the sympathy for the immediate mourners that the event and its eirc*mstauceshassogenendly called forth While with us Mr McLaren was acknowledged to be a genuine Christian minister furnished in a pre eminentdegreeby wide and varied scholarsbipfor the position of a religious teacher anti if he had been a well qualified physically aa he waa mentally he would have accomplished greater things than it waa given him with his feeble liealth to do Yet it was remarkable that he got through re much work with so little physical strength for not only did he conduct the ser vice of his own church but in connection with College and other benevolent institutions he was meet useful Now however his work on earth is over and he has entered on that blessed life that know no pain nor feeblenees ami in which with ransomed powers he is able to serve hia God day and night without halting from aidmecs or fatigue Let ns eeA to folio him as he followed Christ and like faithful aer vnnts let us watch for we know not the day noc the hour when the Son of Man.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

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Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.