Anodized Aluminum Tank - lightweight, durable, and energy efficient
Safe Temperature Range - even during the initial melt cycle
Intergrated Handles - ease transport in the home, clinic or office
For over 90 years paraffin moist heat therapy has been used to relieve pain, inflammation and stiffness caused by arthritis. A form of thermotherapy, paraffin treatments effectively increase blood flow to aid in rehabilitation, or to warm an area of the body prior to other therapies or exercise. After nearly 50 years of manufacturing the Therabath as you know it, we have spruced it up and given it a more modern appeal, while maintaining the branding and features that have given the Therabath the recognition for superior quality it deserves. Therabath units are hand-assembled ensuring that each and every one leaves the factory durable, safe, and reliable.
The Therabath continues to be manufactured in the USA, made to FDA Class II Medical Device Standards, and is still the only Made in the USA CE/CETL listed portable paraffin bath on the market. Warm paraffin is also used extensively to soften dry, cracked skin by drawing moisture from within the body to the surface. Hands, feet, face or elbows are left feeling soft and appearing more youthful looking.
Included in the box:
Therabath Professional Thermotherapy Paraffin Bath
6 lbs. of Therabath Professional Paraffin
1 plastic grill
1 lid with intergrated handles
IEC receptacle hospital-grade cord
Operator's Manual
5 Year Limited Warranty
Unit Dimensions:
Inside - 11.4"L x 6.75"W x 5.8"D
Outside - 14.3"L x 8.2"W x 7.5"D
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